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    RIMC 2024

    Allt það nýjasta í stafrænni markaðssetningu

    Ráðstefnan verður haldin í 20. sinn, fimmtudaginn 26. september. Við eigum von á frábærum erindum, en fyrirlesarar koma meðal annars frá TBWA, Ikea, Shutterstock, Vodafone og fleirum.

    Nánari upplýsingar fljótlega.

RIMC er markaðsráðstefna sem enginn má missa af! Bókaðu strax í dag!

Félagsmiðlar, leit og samspil þeirra

Áherslan á RIMC 2019 verður lögð á það sem er að gerast í heimi netmarkaðssetningar og munu fyrirlesararnir sýna hvernig þróunin hefur verið. Þeir koma til með að taka skemmtileg dæmi um það hvernig netið hefur breytt þeirra vinnu og hvað þeir eru að gera í dag varðandi snjalltæki, samfélagsmiðla, leitarvélar og aðrar stafrænar markaðsleiðir.

  • „One of the best Marketing conferences I’ve ever attended“

    Dan Bell – Foss Digital

  • „Such a great Internet Marketing Conference and in a beautiful place! [ … ] I know the attendees will go home with lots of knowledge and ideas for their businesses.“

    Margo Keogh – Ceangal

Dagskrá 8:00 – 12:30

  • 8:00 Registration opens

    Location: Grand Hotel Reykjavik

  • 8:55 Opening Notes

    Guðmundur H. Pálsson, CEO

    Description: Conference Opening Notes and conference facilitation handover to the conference chair

    Elvar Páll Sigurðsson, Conference Chair

  • 9:10 The power of global thinking

    Aleyda Solis – aleydasolis.com
    Optimizing for Conversational Search
    Descritpion: The world of search is changing fast and its not so much about voice search anymore, its about the conversation. How to target voice search queries? In this session Aleyda shares actionable steps to identify and optimize in a conversational search reality.

    Craig Campell – Craigcampbellseo.co.uk
    Affiliate Marketing – My journey
    Description: Affiliate Marketing Case Study “ where I will show people one of my affiliate sites, the growth and journey I had, mistakes I made and how I rectified them and the exact strategy I used to make this a success. I will touch on the link building side and other important elements that helped me monetize the site.

  • 10:15 Ecommerce with a twist

    Martijn Scheijbeler – Rvshare
    Setting up a Growth Team & Strategy: Team, Stack, Strategy.
    Description: In the making …

    Hana Abaza – Shopify
    Prodcut Marketing, inside out
    Description: How and when to invest in product marketing and how does product marketing work with other teams. Positioning, messaging and go-to-market frameworks.

  • 11:15 Short Coffee Break
  • 11:30 Using Data & Analytics

    Krista Seiden – Google
    Measurement for Growth
    Description: Growth marketing has been all the rage, but what is it? Is it new age optimizers looking for a fancy title? Marketers spinning their services in a new way? A buzzword for a game of bingo? User lifecycle marketing? In this talk, Krista breaks down what Growth Marketing is, with roots grounded in Analytics, Experimentation, and Product Development, why it’s important, how it’s different, how we can all do it, and most importantly, how measurement works for growth.

    Mikko Pihavaara – Statista
    Letting data guide you
    Description: Why companies should put more emphasis on the usage of data in 2019 – the different tools and providers are out there; USE THEM!

  • 12:30 Lunch Break

    Remember to book your lunch preference in the morning!

13:30 – 18:00

  • 13:30 Creative Communications

    Valgeir Magnússon – Ghostlamp
    Why micro influencers matter
    Description: Taking a closer look at how using influencers can help your campaign 

    Hallfríður Jóhannsdóttir – Pipar TBWA / Engine
    SoMe Marketing In A Changing World

    Description: Looking at the human approach and how companies need to be human in their marketing efforts on social media. 

    Axel Strelow – Facebook
    With focus on Facebook & Instagram
    Description: In the making …

    Ilya Shuyskiy – SEMrush
    How data can make a good marketeer great
    Description: In the making …

  • 15:00 Short Coffee Break
  • 15:15 Big Brands

    Luis Navarrete Gómez – Lego
    Title: Content & Search marketing at a global scale
    Description: Content marketing and advice on how to manage search marketing at a global scale in companies like LEGO

    Arnoldo Cabrera – IKEA
    Title: Three key fundamentals factors SEO success
    Description: This session will take you through three primary factors you need to focus on when working on scaling effectively your SEO efforts

  • 16:45 Conference wrap-up with a twist

    Andre Alpar
    The Digital World of Mr. Alpar
    This session will be lead by Mr. Alpar and include selected speakers that will participate in a pannel discusion, the day and what we need to have in mind in 2019 to reach our marketing goals.

  • 17:00 Networking Cocktail and mingle …
  • 18:00 Its a wrap, thanks for joining RIMC19

*Note that this program could change and RIMC cannot be held responsible for last minute changes.

Samstarfs- & styrktaraðilar